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No.of pages 48
Grammar Made Simple (Ages 5-7) is unique learning and activity book that introduces 5 to 7 years old to the interesting subject of grammar and its components.
Grammar Made Simple also assist in the building of a strong foundation in their grammatical, comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills. The learning child will be able to grasp early grammar components and learn the rules of using them in different contexts. The books also offer a wide range of skillful activities in order to engage the learning child to be an active participant in the studying process.
The books cover basic grammar components such as, ‘Nouns, Pronouns, Articles, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions’. Needless to say, it is assured that the books will create a more confident feeling on the part of the learning child to face challenges in his or her formal school days ahead.